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Results: 6349 decisions found

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  • Phoenix Life Personal Pension (CAS-40379-N1V1)
    Complainant: Mr T
    Respondent: Phoenix Life Limited
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Pension liberation
    Ref: CAS-40379-N1V1
  • Mercer Master Trust (CAS-87570-Y2F2)
    Complainant: Mr O
    Respondent: Mercer Limited (the Trustee)
    Scottish Widows Limited (Scottish Widows)
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Administration
    Ref: CAS-87570-Y2F2
  • ReAssure Personal Pension Plan (CAS-38919-G3G7)
    Complainant: Mr T
    Respondent: ReAssure Limited
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Pension liberation
    Ref: CAS-38919-G3G7
  • HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme (CAS-67381-G0D7)
    Complainant: Mr S
    Respondent: HSBC Bank Pension Trust (UK) Limited (the Trustee)
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Administration
    Ref: CAS-67381-G0D7
  • Armed Forces Pension Scheme 2015 (CAS-37340-K5Q7)
    Complainant: Mr N
    Respondent: Veterans UK
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Ill Health
    Ref: CAS-37340-K5Q7
  • Mercer Master Trust (CAS-69606-X4Y3)
    Complainant: Mrs B
    Respondent: Trustees of the Mercer Master Trust (the Trustee)
    Scottish Widows (the Administrator)
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Administration
    Ref: CAS-69606-X4Y3
  • Flower & Hayes Limited Executive Pension Scheme (CAS-43647-V4X9)
    Complainant: Mr R
    Respondent: WestBridge SSAS, formerly Union Pension Trustees Limited, trading as James Hay Partnership.
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Administration
    Ref: CAS-43647-V4X9
  • SMART Pension (CAS-89953-N2Y0)
    Complainant: Ms L
    Respondent: Let Loose Foods Limited
    Outcome: Upheld
    Complaint Topic: Contributions: failure to pay into scheme
    Ref: CAS-89953-N2Y0
  • The Positive Retirement Potential Plan (PO-28532)
    Complainant: Mr A, Mr S and Mrs S
    Respondent: Mr Bupendra Haribhai, as the Trustee (the Trustee)
    PR Potential Limited (PRP Limited)
    Outcome: Upheld
    Complaint Topic: Pension liberation
    Ref: PO-28532
  • NHS Pension Scheme (CAS-29870-P1D4 & CAS-62382-B2X9)
    Complainant: Mrs M & The Estate of Mr M (the Estate)
    Respondent: NHS Business Services Authority (NHS BSA)
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Death benefits
    Ref: CAS-29870-P1D4 & CAS-62382-B2X9
  • NHS Injury Benefit Scheme (CAS-53449-H8V5)
    Complainant: Ms B
    Respondent: NHS Business Services Authority
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Injury benefit
    Ref: CAS-53449-H8V5
  • Gala Coffee and Tea Group Pension Scheme (CAS-56752-R2J6)
    Complainant: Miss I
    Respondent: Trustee of the Gala Coffee and Tea Group Pension Scheme
    Outcome: Partly upheld
    Complaint Topic: Administration
    Ref: CAS-56752-R2J6