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Results: 6349 decisions found

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  • The N 1953 Ltd Executive Pension Scheme (PO-25984)
    Complainant: Mr N
    Respondent: Rowanmoor Group plc (Rowanmoor), including specifically its subsidiary, Rowanmoor Trustees Limited (RTL)
    Outcome: Upheld
    Complaint Topic: Administration
    Ref: PO-25984
  • NHS Pension Scheme (CAS-61350-V2X9)
    Complainant: Ms N
    Respondent: NHS Business Services Authority
    Outcome: Partly upheld
    Complaint Topic: Misquote/misinformation
    Ref: CAS-61350-V2X9
  • NHS Pension Scheme (CAS-59217-F3W1)
    Complainant: Dr A
    Respondent: NHS Business Services Authority
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Misquote/misinformation
    Ref: CAS-59217-F3W1
  • Fidelity International Pension Plan (CAS-82895-Q6X0)
    Complainant: Mr G
    Respondent: Fidelity International
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Transfers: general
    Ref: CAS-82895-Q6X0
  • NHS Pension Scheme (CAS-72391-W3R4)
    Complainant: Dr H
    Respondent: NHS Business Services Authority
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Contributions: incorrect calculation
    Ref: CAS-72391-W3R4
  • Sal Pension Scheme (CAS-79760-T6T4)
    Complainant: Mrs M
    Respondent: The Trustee of the Sal Pension Scheme (the Trustee)
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Death benefits
    Ref: CAS-79760-T6T4
  • NHS Pension Scheme (PO-17403)
    Complainant: Professor G
    Respondent: East London NHS Foundation Trust
    NHS Business Service Authority
    Outcome: Upheld
    Complaint Topic: Membership
    Ref: PO-17403
  • NHS Pension Scheme (CAS-77309-S8M2)
    Complainant: Ms S
    Respondent: NHS Business Services Authority
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Death benefits
    Ref: CAS-77309-S8M2
  • Firefighters’ Pension Scheme 2015 (CAS-61348-B1V7)
    Complainant: Mr N
    Respondent: Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Fire and Rescue Authority
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Contributions: refunds
    Ref: CAS-61348-B1V7
  • Royal London Pension Scheme (CAS-60937-P3V3)
    Complainant: Mrs W
    Respondent: Royal London
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Death benefits
    Ref: CAS-60937-P3V3
  • Citi (UK) Pension Plan (CAS-76611-W2C4)
    Complainant: Mr O
    Respondent: CG Pension Trustees Ltd (the Trustee); and
    Willis Towers Watson (the Administrator)
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Transfers: general
    Ref: CAS-76611-W2C4
  • The Armed Forces Attributable Benefits Scheme (CAS-63737-V8B9)
    Complainant: Mrs N
    Respondent: Veterans UK
    Outcome: Not upheld
    Complaint Topic: Death benefits
    Ref: CAS-63737-V8B9