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Fidelity Self Invested Personal Pension Scheme (CAS-56878-Q0F5)

Complainant: Mrs I
Complaint Topic: Failure to provide information/act on instructions
Ref: CAS-56878-Q0F5
Outcome: Not upheld
Respondent: Fidelity International
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


I do not uphold Mrs I’s complaint and no further action is required by Fidelity.

Complaint summary

Mrs I has complained that she submitted an instruction to sell units, in the reasonable expectation that Fidelity would apply the prevailing unit price to encash those units. However, Fidelity applied the unit price available on the next working day. She has suffered a financial loss as a direct result of Fidelity’s alleged maladministration.

View determination


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