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Teachers’ Pension Scheme (PO-13962)

Complainant: Mrs P
Complaint Topic: Benefits: incorrect calculation
Ref: PO-13962
Outcome: Partly upheld
Respondent: 1. Manchester City Council (the Council)
2. Teachers' Pensions (TP)
Type: Pension complaint or dispute

Ombudsman’s Determination


Mrs P’s complaint against the Council and TP is partly upheld, but there is a part of the complaint I do not agree with. To put matters right (for the part that is upheld) the Council will pay Mrs P £2,000 to recognise the severe distress and inconvenience caused.

My reasons for reaching this decision are explained in more detail below.

Complaint summary

Mrs P says she was provided with incorrect information from the Council and TP in relation to the average salary used to calculate her benefits. She says that she relied on this information to make the decision to retire, as well as other financial decisions.

View determination


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