Pension Policy – WESO202 (PO-12025)
Ombudsman’s Determination
Mr T’s complaint is upheld and to put matters right Fast Pensions should provide a full written response to Mr T’s questions regarding the funds in the Policy, including the current value, and to assist him in exercising his statutory right to a transfer. Fast Pensions should also pay Mr T £1,000, to reflect the distress and inconvenience caused to him by their maladministration.
My reasons for reaching this decision are explained in more detail below.
Complaint summary
Mr T complains that Fast Pensions have failed to respond to his enquiries about the status and security of the Policy, and provide him with the information that he requires to exercise his transfer rights to his preferred provider, Standard Life.
Mr T says that he would like Fast Pensions to complete his requested transfer to Standard Life.
View determination
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