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Corporate Plan 2019-2022 published


Our Corporate Plan, published today, outlines our strategic aims over the next three years and our key deliverables for 2019/20.

The focus of this year’s Corporate Plan is on ensuring every dispute can be resolved at the earliest point, with no loss of quality. This will be achieved through:

  • Phase 2 of our Digitalisation Programme which includes a major overhaul of our website and the introduction of an online portal where customers will be able to complete online forms and upload documents.
  • A casework reorganisation that will incorporate an enhanced triage process and tracking of cases that will improve the customer’s journey; making it shorter and more transparent.
  • Expanding our quality framework so that high quality and consistent outputs are guaranteed.

The Corporate Plan also includes recommendations from our recent Tailored Review and an opening statement from Caroline Rookes, our new interim Chair.

Read the Corporate Plan 2019-2022 to find out more. 

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