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Local Government Pension Scheme (PO-21047)

Complainant: Mr S
Complaint Topic: Misquote/misinformation
Ref: PO-21047
Outcome: Upheld
Respondent: Northamptonshire County Council
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


Mr S’ complaint is upheld and to put matters right the Council shall pay Mr S £1,000 in respect of the serious non-financial injustice it has caused; give Mr S the opportunity to pay a lump sum of £10,000 to his Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) fund; perform a profit and loss calculation in respect of the £10,000, as though it had been invested in the Pension Managed Fund on 2 January 2003; and pay any investment growth thus calculated into Mr S’ AVC fund.

Complaint summary

Mr S’ complaint about the Council is that he was incorrectly informed, on a consistent basis, that he could use his transferred in AVCs to purchase additional pension within the LGPS when he retired. In reliance of this information he transferred his AVCs into the LGPS in 2002. In 2017 he was informed that the information he had been given was incorrect. His loss is that he is now unable to obtain a benefit of equivalent value, either within the LGPS or on the open market. He says that had he been aware of the correct position he would have made additional contributions and managed the investment of his AVC fund more carefully.

View determination


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