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Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (CAS-57631-L2T8)

Complainant: Mr N
Complaint Topic: Ill Health
Ref: CAS-57631-L2T8
Outcome: Partly upheld
Appeal outcome: None
Respondent: Civil Service Pensions (MyCSP)
Cabinet Office
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


Mr N’s complaint is partly upheld against MyCSP. To put matters right, MyCSP shall within 28 days of the date of this Determination pay Mr N a further £500 for the serious distress and inconvenience he sustained as a result of its uncoordinated approach to administering his claims.  

Complaint summary

Mr N has complained that:- 

  • He was misinformed, in 2017 and 2018, that his membership of the 1972 (Classic) Section of the PCSPS was still live and that he could retire under the Classic Section. 

  • His benefits have not been calculated correctly; in particular, his ill health retirement benefits should be calculated by reference to the Classic Section, his injury benefit should be backdated to 16 January 2019, and he is entitled to receive a refund of his contributions to the Widow(er)s’ Pension Scheme (WPS). 

  • MyCSP did not properly consider his complaint at stage one of the internal dispute resolution procedure (IDRP). It dismissed his complaint despite not having paperwork from the previous administrators or the evidence to dispute his claim. 

Mr N also complained that his two periods of service in the PCSPS had not been aggregated when he rejoined the PCSPS in 2004. This part of Mr N’s complaint has not been accepted for investigation because it is outside the time limits for bringing a complaint to my Office.

View determination


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