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Teachers' Pension Scheme (CAS-36953-V4C6)

Complainant: Ms N
Complaint Topic: Ill Health
Ref: CAS-36953-V4C6
Outcome: Partly upheld
Appeal outcome: None
Respondent: The Department for Education
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


Ms N's complaint is partly upheld. The DfE did not follow a reasonable process when it decided not to exercise discretion and extend, or treat as extended, the relevant time within which Ms N could make an application for ill health retirement. My Directions are set out in paragraph 46 below.

Complaint summary

Ms N's complaint concerns the DfE's decision not to exercise discretion and treat her ill health retirement application on "in service" terms. Specifically, it failed to follow a correct decision-making process when reviewing her case.

View determination


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