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NOW: Pensions Trust (CAS-60443-B6T9)

Complainant: Mr O
Complaint Topic: Administration
Ref: CAS-60443-B6T9
Outcome: Not upheld
Appeal outcome: None
Respondent: NOW: Pensions
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


I do not uphold Mr O’s complaint and no further action is required by NOW: Pensions.

Complaint summary

Mr O asked NOW: Pensions to provide a list of his regular and additional voluntary contributions (AVCs), split by tax year. He was unhappy with its response and made a complaint regarding the service he had received. He remains dissatisfied and has raised the following points which he does not consider have been addressed by NOW: Pensions:-

  • Guidance on what is required for annual statements differs between the Pensions Advisory Service (TPAS) and The Pensions Regulator (TPR).
  • TPR obligations for providing AVC information have not been met.
  • He unknowingly had two separate accounts with NOW: Pensions, which should have been recognised and rectified sooner.
  • There were prolonged initial delays in dealing with his complaint.

Mr O asked for NOW: Pensions to pay him £300 in respect of the distress and inconvenience he has suffered.

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