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Lloyds Banking Group Your Tomorrow (CAS-73171-Z8G1)

Complainant: Mr S
Complaint Topic: Administration
Ref: CAS-73171-Z8G1
Outcome: Not upheld
Appeal outcome: None
Respondent: ReAssure Limited (ReAssure)
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


I do not uphold Mr S’ complaint and no further action is required by ReAssure.

Complaint summary

Mr S has complained that ReAssure failed to notify Willis Towers Watson (WTW) that it had paid a transfer value (TV) into the Scheme account. He said that this failure caused a delay in investing the funds and meant that he purchased 920.41 units fewer than he would have had WTW invested the funds immediately.

Mr S has also complained that ReAssure has communicated poorly with him, WTW, and The Pensions Ombudsman (TPO).

View determination


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