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Standard Life Personal Pension Plan (CAS-44659-K4V7)

Complainant: Mr I
Complaint Topic: Pension liberation
Ref: CAS-44659-K4V7
Outcome: Not upheld
Respondent: Standard Life Assurance Limited
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


I do not uphold Mr I’s complaint and no further action is required by Standard Life. 

Complaint summary

Mr I complained that Standard Life failed in discharging its duty of care when he requested to transfer his benefits from the Plan to a new pension arrangement. In particular, Standard Life failed to:

  • conduct adequate checks and enquiries about the new pension arrangement;
  • determine why Mr I wanted to transfer his benefits; and
  • discuss with Mr I the concerns that would have resulted from the enquiries.

As the assets of the new pension arrangement are unlikely to be recovered in full, or even at all, Mr I asked to be reimbursed for the loss he has incurred.

View determination


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