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Bechtel Limited Career Pension Plan (CAS-60294-V6J3)

Complainant: Mr N
Complaint Topic: Misquote/misinformation
Ref: CAS-60294-V6J3
Appeal outcome: Part upheld/remitted
Respondent: Fidelity International (Fidelity)
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


Mr N’s complaint is partially upheld and to put matters right, Fidelity shall pay Mr N £500 for the significant distress and inconvenience its errors have caused him. 

Complaint summary

Mr N has complained that Fidelity’s web-based investment tool, PlanViewer (PV), displayed incorrect valuations for his Plan between 9 March 2020 and 29 June 2020. Mr N said that no warnings were posted on PV to say that the values shown were incorrect, and his investment decisions were based on this incorrect information. While Fidelity made a correction to his account on 29 June 2020, Mr N says this did not cover his investment losses resulting from the inaccuracies of the valuations shown in PV.  

View determination


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