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Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (CAS-44594-N4P2)

Complainant: Mrs D
Complaint Topic: Pension liberation
Ref: CAS-44594-N4P2
Outcome: Not upheld
Respondent: MyCSP
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


I do not uphold Mrs D’s complaint and no further action is required by MyCSP.

Complaint summary

Mrs D says that MyCSP failed to carry out sufficient due diligence before transferring her benefits in the PCSPS to the Bungalow 1959 Ltd Small Self-Administered Scheme (the SSAS).

She says that she wants to be put back in the position she would have been had the transfer not taken place as she is unable to access her benefits in the SSAS. In addition, she says that she should be compensated for the distress and inconvenience the matter has caused her.

View determination


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