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NHS Pension Scheme (CAS-29870-P1D4 & CAS-62382-B2X9)

Complainant: Mrs M & The Estate of Mr M (the Estate)
Complaint Topic: Death benefits
Ref: CAS-29870-P1D4 & CAS-62382-B2X9
Outcome: Not upheld
Respondent: NHS Business Services Authority (NHS BSA)
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


I do not uphold Mrs M’s personal complaint, or the complaint brought by Mrs M on behalf of the Estate and no further action is required by NHS BSA.

Complaint summary

The Estate’s complaint, brought on its behalf by Mr M’s wife, Mrs M, acting as executor of the Estate is that:-

Mr M was not informed that he should consider updating his Expression of Wish (EOW) form during a telephone call in 2015.

Mrs M’s complaint is in relation to:-

NHS BSA’s decision not to award her a Life Assurance Lump Sum (the Lump Sum).

View determination


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