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  • Transparency June 2022

    Type: Expenditure reports
    Our expenditure reports show all expenditure over £500 broken down by month – they are presented as a spreadsheet (CSV files).
  • Transparency May 2022

    Type: Expenditure reports
    Our expenditure reports show all expenditure over £500 broken down by month – they are presented as a spreadsheet (CSV files).
  • The Pensions Ombudsman’s (TPO) approach to McCloud and Sargeant age discrimination complaints

    Type: Leaflets and factsheets
    This note sets out: a brief background of the issues; TPO’s view on what affected members and schemes can do now; and TPO’s present approach to complaints and disputes concerning these issues.
  • Annual Report and Accounts 2021/22

    Type: Annual reports
    Our Annual Reports look at what we have achieved over the previous year and includes performance data and summaries of investigations we have carried out over the year.
  • Transparency April 2022

    Type: Expenditure reports
    Our expenditure reports show all expenditure over £500 broken down by month – they are presented as a spreadsheet (CSV files).
  • Register of Interests 2022/23

    Type: Information and governance
    The register of interests outlines the relevant external interests that each of our Ombudsmen Operational Executive and Corporate Board members hold.
  • Register of Interests 2021/22

    Type: Information and governance
    The register of interests outlines the relevant external interests that each of our Ombudsmen Operational Executive and Corporate Board members hold.
  • Transparency March 2022

    Type: Expenditure reports
    Our expenditure reports show all expenditure over £500 broken down by month – they are presented as a spreadsheet (CSV files).
  • Transparency February 2022

    Type: Expenditure reports
    Our expenditure reports show all expenditure over £500 broken down by month – they are presented as a spreadsheet (CSV files).
  • The Early Resolution Service

    Type: Leaflets and factsheets

    This factsheet is guidance about The Pensions Ombudsman’s Early Resolution Service (ERS) explaining what it is, how it operates and options the parties to a complaint have.

  • Complaining to the party/parties at fault

    Type: Leaflets and factsheets
    Before The Pensions Ombudsman will investigate a complaint, you must have first tried to resolve matters with the party or parties you think are at fault. View this factsheet for further information.
  • Pensions scams

    Type: Leaflets and factsheets
    This factsheet outlines what to do if you think you have been scammed, as well as what The Pensions Ombudsman (TPO) can do if you think you have a complaint about a scam.