The Allianz Cornhill Retirement & Death Benefits Fund (PO-6130)
2. Allianz Cornhill Management Services Ltd
Complaint summary
Mr Vose complains that the Trustees and Allianz decided incorrectly not to award him an additional five years’ pensionable service in the Cornhill Fund for his period of employment as an engineer apprentice.
Summary of the Ombudsman’s Determination and reasons
The complaint should be partially upheld against Allianz because they incorrectly told Mr Vose that he was entitled to this additional service credit in the Cornhill Fund. This clearly constitutes maladministration on the part of Allianz which, in my opinion, has not caused Mr Vose any actual financial loss but only a loss of expectation. There is no doubt, however, that Mr Vose has suffered some distress and inconvenience as a result of the maladministration identified for which he should be suitably compensated by Allianz.
View determination
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