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Land Rover Pension Scheme (PO-19569)

Complainant: Mr R
Complaint Topic: CPI: switch to
Ref: PO-19569
Outcome: Not upheld
Respondent: Jaguar Land Rover Pension Trustees Limited
Type: Pension complaint or dispute

Ombudsman’s Determination

Complaint Summary

Mr R’s complaint concerns revaluation changes made by the Trustee. He considers that the Trustee cannot make such changes to benefits he has accrued without his consent, as these form part of his subsisting rights. He says that the amended method of revaluation which applies to his accrued benefits as an active member is less generous than that which applies to deferred members of the Scheme.

Summary of the Ombudsman’s Determination and reasons

The complaint is not upheld against the Trustee because:-

  • An active member’s subsisting rights at the time of the 2017 Amendments did not include revaluation, on any particular basis, of a pension in deferment.
  • The increases applying to Pre Career Average Revalued Earnings Benefits for pensionable service after the 2017 Amendments does not affect: a member’s right to receive a deferred pension in the event that that they opt out of pensionable service; the rate of revaluation of that deferred pension; or the right to transfer out of the Scheme.


View determination


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