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NEST (the Scheme) (CAS-40993-J9L4)

Complainant: Mr Y
Complaint Topic: Contributions: failure to pay into scheme
Ref: CAS-40993-J9L4
Outcome: Upheld
Appeal outcome: None
Respondent: PSDT Limited (PSDT)
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


Mr Y’s complaint is upheld and to put matters right PSDT shall ensure that all of the unpaid employer and employee contributions are paid into Mr Y’s Scheme pension. PSDT shall also pay an amount equal to the notional fund value had the contributions been paid into the Scheme at the time when they should have been (if higher than the value of the contributions alone). PSDT shall also pay Mr Y £1,000 for the serious distress and inconvenience caused to him.

Complaint summary

Mr Y has complained that his former employer, PSDT, has failed to pay all the pension contributions due to be paid for him to the Scheme.

View determination


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