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Complainant: Dr I
Complaint Topic: Membership
Ref: PO-27320
Outcome: Partly upheld
Appeal outcome: None
Respondent: NHS Business Services Authority (NHS BSA)
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


Dr I’s complaint against NHS BSA is partly upheld, but there is a part of the complaint I do not agree with. To put matters right, for the part that is upheld, NHS BSA shall pay £1,000 in recognition of the serious distress and inconvenience its error has caused him.

Complaint summary


Dr I has complained that:-

· NHS BSA originally confirmed he could purchase 6 years 29 days of Added Years, which he borrowed £56,498.55 to pay for, but NHS BSA has now told him he was only allowed to purchase 1 year 262 days.

· He is losing the benefit of Added Years he had already purchased.

· NHS BSA should have known in 2016 that he could not purchase the 6 years 29 days of Added Years.

· In 2012, he made the decision to leave the 1995 Section of the Scheme (the 1995 Section), but this was based on misinformation from NHS BSA.

View determination


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