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Complainant: Mrs N
Complaint Topic: Ill Health
Ref: PO-23437
Outcome: Partly upheld
Appeal outcome: None
Respondent: NHS Business Service Authority
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


The complaint against NHS BSA is not upheld. Although, it did not take into account the complete information to which it had access when considering Mrs N’s request, it was correct to conclude that she was not entitled to an IHRP.

The complaint against PHNT is partly upheld, because PHNT provided NHS BSA with incorrect information as to the reason why Mrs N’s employment ended. PHNT shall pay Mrs N £500 for the significant distress and inconvenience it has caused her.

I make no findings in respect of Mrs N’s claim that PHNT failed to inform her about the IHRP as this claim is out of time.

Complaint summary

Mrs N’s complaint against NHS BSA is that NHS BSA incorrectly refused her request to apply for an ill health retirement pension (IHRP) from active status.

Mrs N’s complaints against PHNT are (1) that PHNT provided NHS BSA with incorrect information regarding the reason her employment ended, and (2) that PHNT did not provide her with any information or guidance to enable her to claim IHRP before she left employment.

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