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Imperial Home Décor Pension Plan (PO-18814)

Complainant: Mr N
Complaint Topic: Failure to provide information/act on instructions
Ref: PO-18814
Outcome: Partly upheld
Appeal outcome: None
Respondent: Capita Employee Solutions
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


The main part of the complaint is not upheld as: (1) there is insufficient evidence that Capita mis-recorded or omitted part of Mr N’s defined contribution benefits in the Scheme; and (2) there is insufficient evidence that it mis-calculated Mr N’s DC entitlement when it secured this benefit for him by means of a Prudential annuity after the Scheme wound up.  

However, Capita has been slow to provide relevant information and documents to Mr N, most of which has only been provided as part of our investigation. Therefore, it shall pay him £500 for the significant distress and inconvenience this has caused.  

Complaint summary

Mr N’s complaint about Capita is that it may have incorrectly omitted part of the defined contribution (DC) benefit of his former occupational pension. As a result, he is concerned that the annuity he is currently receiving from Prudential, which is derived from the DC part of the Scheme, is lower than it should be. To resolve his complaint, he requests that Capita provide a full record of his contributions to the Scheme and full details of the calculations it carried out when securing his DC benefits by means of an annuity with Prudential.

View determination


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