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NHS Superannuation Scheme (Scotland) (CAS-37814-G1K9)

Complainant: Dr Y
Complaint Topic: Misquote/misinformation
Ref: CAS-37814-G1K9
Outcome: Partly upheld
Respondent: Scottish Public Pensions Agency
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


Dr Y’s complaint against SPPA is partly upheld. To put matters right, SPPA shall pay £1,000 to Dr Y in respect of the serious distress and inconvenience which he has suffered.

Complaint summary

Dr Y complained that SPPA provided him with incorrect information in relation to the Lifetime Allowance (LTA) and this led him to a decision to opt out of paying contributions to the Scheme. He said this decision was not in his best financial interest.

Dr Y asserted that SPPA should reinstate the contributions he missed as a result of his opt out from the Scheme, as well as the Added Years that were not purchased as a result of the opt out.

Dr Y also raised concerns about SPPA’s provision of incorrect estimates of his pension benefits and its calculation of his entitlement, following his retirement.

View determination


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