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NHS Pension Scheme (CAS-43786-V0W9)

Complainant: Mrs Y
Complaint Topic: Misquote/misinformation
Ref: CAS-43786-V0W9
Outcome: Not upheld
Respondent: Scottish Public Pension Agency
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


The complaint should not be upheld against SPPA. The evidence does not support a finding of maladministration by SPPA in the way it responded to Mrs Y’s enquiry in June 2014.

Complaint summary

Mrs Y has complained that SPPA provided her with incorrect information in June 2014 concerning the calculation of her final pensionable pay in the Scheme.

She contends that:

  • She relied upon the flawed information to her financial detriment by retiring on 31 December 2018.
  • If she had been given the correct information by SPPA, she would have elected to retire on 31 August 2018 in order to maximise her final pensionable pay.
  • She has suffered a financial loss in the region £200 of annual pension and £600 of tax free lump sum.

View determination


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