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NHS Pension Scheme (CAS-52721-C3G8)

Complainant: Mrs Y
Complaint Topic: Interpretation of scheme rules/policy terms
Ref: CAS-52721-C3G8
Outcome: Partly upheld
Respondent: NHS Business Services Authority
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


Mrs Y’s complaint against NHS BSAis partly upheld. To put matters right, NHS BSANHS BSANHS BSANHS BSANHS BSANHS BSA NHS BSAshall pay £500 to Mrs Y.

Complaint summary

Mrs Y has complained about the final pensionable pay figure used by NHS BSA to calculate her benefit entitlement from the Scheme.

The final pensionable pay figure was significantly lower than the full-time equivalent (FTE) annual salary for Mrs Y’s final employment prior to her retirement. Mrs Y considers that the figure determined by NHS BSA was unreasonably low. She has also complained that she was not informed by NHS BSA about the process it would follow in determining this figure, until she had made significant decisions in relation to her retirement from the Scheme.

View determination


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