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Curtis Banks Self-Invested Personal Pension (CAS-53394-T6G2)

Complainant: Mr S
Complaint Topic: Administration
Ref: CAS-53394-T6G2
Outcome: Partly upheld
Respondent: Curtis Banks Ltd
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


Mr S’ complaint against Curtis Banks is partly upheld. To put matters right, Curtis Banks shall pay Mr S interest on the pension contribution (the Contribution) that was transferred to Investec Wealth on 31 January 2020 (the Interest Amount). The rate of interest should be 8% per annum simple and calculated for the period from 21 to 31 January 2020.

In addition, Curtis Banks shall pay Mr S interest on the Interest Amount, such interest to be calculated at the base rate for the time being quoted by the Bank of England between 1 February 2020 and the date of settlement.

Complaint summary

Mr S has complained that Curtis Banks transferred the Contribution from the SIPP to a third party in error, with the result that investments in the SIPP were purchased at a later date. He seeks compensation for any financial injustice he has incurred, as well as an award for the distress and inconvenience he suffered.

View determination


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