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Gala Coffee and Tea Group Pension Scheme (CAS-56752-R2J6)

Complainant: Miss I
Complaint Topic: Administration
Ref: CAS-56752-R2J6
Outcome: Partly upheld
Respondent: Trustee of the Gala Coffee and Tea Group Pension Scheme
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


Miss I’s complaint against the Trustee is partly upheld. To put matters right for the part that is upheld, the Trustee shall carry out the steps detailed in the ‘Directions’ section of this Determination (paragraphs 69-71).

Complaint summary

Miss I has complained that she experienced delays when attempting to transfer her benefits in the Scheme to a Fidelity International (Fidelity) self-invested personal pension (the SIPP). She also complained about a possible loss of an entitlement to a protected tax-free lump sum in excess of 25% of her fund value (PTFC).

She said that the Trustee should make a payment to her for the financial loss that she suffered and for the distress and inconvenience these matters caused her.

View determination


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