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NHS Pension Scheme (CAS-80217-C7M2)

Complainant: Mrs B
Complaint Topic: Misquote/misinformation
Ref: CAS-80217-C7M2
Outcome: Not upheld
Respondent: NHS Business Services Authority (NHS BSA)
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


I do not uphold Mrs B's complaint and no further action is required by NHS BSA.

Complaint summary

Mrs B has complained that, on 10 November 2020, NHS BSA sent her an incorrect statement showing considerably overstated benefits available to her from the Scheme as at 31 March 2020.

Mrs B says that:-

  • She relied upon this statement to her financial detriment by leaving her NHS employment early.
  • She has suffered considerable distress and inconvenience dealing with this matter.

View determination


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