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Pension Protection Fund (CAS-87352-D3M3)

Complainant: Miss K
Complaint Topic: Administration
Ref: CAS-87352-D3M3
Outcome: Not upheld
Respondent: The Board of the Pension Protection Fund
Type: Pensions Protection Fund complaint
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


I do not uphold Miss K’s referral and no further action is required by the Board.

Complaint summary

The PPFO has received a reference of a reviewable matter following a decision by the Board’s Reconsideration Committee dated 23 February 2022. The referral, brought by Miss K, representing her late father’s estate, is that the PPF failed to inform Mr K that he was able to take early retirement from age 55, and as a result he did not receive PPF compensation before he died.

Miss K has also complained that she suffered injustice. Miss K says she had to bear the costs of looking after Mr K and this had an adverse impact on her. This has not been accepted for investigation as it is not a relevant complaint of maladministration by the PPF. As applicable, a relevant complaint is defined in section 208(2)(a) of the Pensions Act 2004, as a complaint made “by a person who is or might become entitled to compensation under the pension compensation provisions………alleging that he has sustained injustice in consequence of maladministration in connection with any act or omission by the Board or any person exercising functions on its behalf.” As Miss K is not a person who is or might become entitled to compensation under the legislation governing the PPF, the PPFO is unable to accept Miss K’s complaint for losses she states she incurred personally.

View determination


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