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Smart Pensions (CAS-89578-K2W7)

Complainant: Ms L
Complaint Topic: Contributions: failure to pay into scheme
Ref: CAS-89578-K2W7
Outcome: Upheld
Appeal outcome: None
Respondent: Lakeside Events Nottingham Limited
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


Ms L's complaint is upheld and, to put matters right, the Employer shall pay the missing contributions in respect of her pension and make good any shortfall in units. In addition, the Employer shall pay Ms L £500 for the significant distress and inconvenience it has caused her.

Complaint summary

Ms L has complained that the Employer, despite deducting contributions from her pay, has failed to pay them into the Scheme. 

Ms L has said that the missing employee contributions amounted to £325.02. Ms L is unsure of what employer contributions are outstanding, as these contributions were not listed on her payslips.

View determination


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