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Sotheby's Pension Scheme (CAS-93708-Q1W7)

Complainant: Mr Y
Complaint Topic: Winding up
Ref: CAS-93708-Q1W7
Outcome: Not upheld
Respondent: Trustees of the Sotheby's Pension Scheme
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


I do not uphold Mr Y’s complaint and no further action is required by the Trustees or the Employer.

Complaint summary

Mr Y’s complaint concerns that, following the buy-out of his Scheme benefits with an insurer (the Buy-Out), not all of his pension is being increased to reflect increases in the cost of living.

He is also dissatisfied that any Scheme surplus following the Buy-Out will not be used to provide future benefits for members.

View determination


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