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AJC2 Pension Scheme (CAS-53044-T5K7, CAS-55238-T3N4, CAS-57583-H5G0)

Complainant: Mr R, Mr N, Mr O
Complaint Topic: Breach of trust
Ref: CAS-53044-T5K7, CAS-55238-T3N4, CAS-57583-H5G0
Outcome: Upheld
Respondent: Mr Christopher Hoole, Trustee of the AJC2 Pension Scheme
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


Having fully considered the evidence and submissions presented in writing and at the Oral Hearing, I uphold the Applicants’ complaints. 

Complaint summary

The Applicants' complaints are that:

  • they are unable to access their pension fund;

  • the Trustee failed to properly administer the Scheme; and

  • they are concerned that their pension fund has been lost or misappropriated.

View determination


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