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Universities Superannuation Scheme (CAS-53519-W5N0)

Complainant: Mrs N
Complaint Topic: Interpretation of scheme rules/policy terms
Ref: CAS-53519-W5N0
Outcome: Partly upheld
Respondent: Universities Superannuation Scheme Ltd
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


The complaint is partly upheld to the extent that the Trustee provided Mrs N with confusing information regarding the treatment of her contributions via salary sacrifice. The Trustee shall pay Mrs N an award of £500, in recognition of the significant non-financial injustice she has suffered.

Complaint summary

Mrs N is a deferred member of the Scheme. She has complained that, when she completed her first period of employment, the Trustee refused to provide her with Scheme benefits accrued from her employer’s contributions, as she had been a Scheme member for less than two years.

Mrs N has also complained that the Trustee did not provide her with a transfer value and did not allow her to transfer her scheme benefits. In addition, the Trustee requested a fee for producing a transfer valuation, which was higher than the fee applied to younger Scheme members. 

In Mrs N’s view, the Scheme Rules and the Trustee’s actions were discriminatory because of her age.

View determination


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