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Norbord UK (Sterling) Pension Scheme (CAS-81732-G9M7)

Complainant: Ms E
Complaint Topic: Transfers: general
Ref: CAS-81732-G9M7
Outcome: Not upheld
Respondent: The Trustee of the Norbord UK (Sterling) Pension Scheme
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


I do not uphold Ms E’s complaint and no further action is required by the Trustee or the Administrator. 

Complaint summary

Ms E complained that:-

  • The Administrator and Trustee failed to act on Mr E’s instruction to transfer the Cash Equivalent Transfer Value (CETV) of the retirement benefits accrued in his name under the Scheme. 
  • The Administrator’s delays in providing information to Mr E’s financial adviser resulted in the failure to arrange the transfer before Mr E died. As a result, Ms E and the late Mr E’s family suffered severe financial difficulty.
  • The Administrator ignored complaints from financial advisers. 

View determination


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