Sainsbury's Pension Scheme (CAS-91740-X7K5)
Complainant: Mr T
Complaint Topic: Transfers: general
Ref: CAS-91740-X7K5
Outcome: Partly upheld
Respondent: The Trustee of the Sainsbury’s Pension Scheme (the Trustee)
Willis Towers Watson (WTW)
Willis Towers Watson (WTW)
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No
Ombudsman’s Determination
I partially uphold Mr T’s complaint in respect of the award for distress and inconvenience, which I consider to be serious given the considerable delay and the administrative errors made by WTW.
Complaint summary
Mr T complained that WTW caused delays to the transfer of his pension from the Scheme to Aviva.
Mr T said that he suffered a financial loss as a result of the delays.
View determination
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