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British Transport Police Force Superannuation Fund - 1970 Section (CAS-98967-Y0T1)

Complainant: Ms T
Complaint Topic: Misquote/misinformation
Ref: CAS-98967-Y0T1
Outcome: Partly upheld
Respondent: Railpen Ltd
Type: Pension complaint or dispute
Appeal: No

Ombudsman’s Determination


Ms T’s complaint against Railpen is partly upheld. To put matters right Railpen shall pay Ms T £500 in recognition of the significant distress and inconvenience which she has suffered dealing with this matter.    

Complaint summary

Ms T complained that she was not informed that an early reduction factor would be applied to her pension benefits if she was to leave active service before her normal retirement age (NRA). She was also unhappy with the time taken to respond to her complaint.

View determination


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