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COVID-19 and your pension


The Pensions Ombudsman (TPO) has partnered with six other pensions bodies* to create a useful guide entitled “COVID-19 and your pension – where to get help”. The guide has been published today and aims to answer some of the most commonly asked questions during this time.

In this uncertain period, TPO and other pensions bodies want to make sure that people are supported and know where to go to get help with their pensions. The guide outlines the measures taken across the pensions industry to protect pensions and details on the free and impartial guidance available.

Minister for Pensions and Financial Inclusion Guy Opperman said:

"We’re doing whatever it takes to ensure people are supported through these unprecedented times and this guide is a useful addition to the measures pensions bodies have already taken to assist savers.”

“Keeping people informed is vital, and I welcome the coordinated approach being taken by the different pension bodies to assist anyone who needs advice or guidance.”

Anthony Arter, the Pensions Ombudsman said:

“In these challenging times, it is important that people know where to turn for help when they are having problems with their pension. Our staff are all working remotely to ensure our service operates as normal, and our phonelines are open from 9.00am to 5.00pm. At present we are unable to receive post, but we can accept online applications, in respect of new complaints, and email enquiries. I would like to reassure you that, wherever possible, we will be using our discretion to expand our time limits for those affected by the Covid-19 crisis. We will continue to work with key stakeholders to provide a coordinated approach to our work.”

Download the full guide, COVID-19 and your pension – where to get help.

*The seven pensions bodies involved are: the Money and Pensions Service, the Financial Conduct Authority, The Pensions Ombudsman, The Pensions Regulator, the Pension Protection Fund and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

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