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PPF and FAS case notifications


In some circumstances we have to notify groups of people who may be affected by the outcome of a PPF or FAS case.  There are no current cases requiring notification.

PPF referrals and complaints

We have to notify other people who may be ‘significantly adversely affected’ by the outcome of a case. If there are such people, we will do this by publishing details of the case on this site. All the information related to the case will be made available to any significantly adversely affected people. They have the right to participate in the case which means they will have the same rights and responsibilities as the other parties – this includes making representations to us and requesting an oral hearing.

Appeals against FAS decisions

If an appeal relates to a scheme notification or scheme eligibility decision we have to notify any ‘interested persons’ that an appeal has been made. Broadly this is anyone who is, or might be, affected by the outcome of the case. Usually we will do this by publishing details of the case on this site. All the information related to the case will be made available to any interested persons.

Interested persons can also apply to become a party in a case. If we accept their application they will have the same rights and responsibilities as the other parties – this includes making representations to us and requesting an oral hearing.

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