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  • Applications made quicker and easier
    Individuals wanting to bring a complaint to the Pensions Ombudsman can now submit their complaints via an online form on the Pensions Ombudsman Service website.
  • New videos point the way
    Wanting to complain about the management of your pension but confused who to go to and what to do?
  • Police and firefighters' cases – an update
    Following the former Pensions Ombudsman’s Determination regarding commutation factors, complaints continue to emerge about the Firefighters’ Pension Scheme and similarly the Police Pension Scheme.
  • High Court ruling on Hughes and Royal London
    The High Court issued its judgment on Friday 19 February in the case of Donna-Marie Hughes and Royal London, which was an appeal of my Determination of 30 June 2015.
  • Police and firefighters’ pension schemes
    Since the Pension Ombudsman’s publication in May 2015 of Mr Milne’s Determination for the Firefighters’ Pension Scheme regarding commutation factors.
  • Police Pension Scheme
    Police Pension Scheme complaints concerning whether it was lawful to transfer the provisions of the Police Pension Scheme from the Police Pensions Act 1976 to the Public Service Pensions Act 2013.
  • Redress for Non-Financial Injustice
    We have published a factsheet about redress for non-financial injustice, such as distress and inconvenience.
  • Annual Report 2014-15
    The report includes information on our operational and financial performance as well as case studies with examples of investigations carried out during the year.
  • PPF and FAS case notifications
    In some circumstances we have to notify groups of people who may be affected by the outcome of a PPF or FAS case.  There are no current cases requiring notification.
  • Pension liberation update
    We have published decisions in two complaints made by Mr Winning against pension providers who had made transfers to the Capita Oak Pension Scheme at his request.
  • Transfers to Capita Oak
    What are the options following recent decisions on complaints against providers for paying a transfer value?
  • New deputy ombudsman appointed
    The Minister for Pensions, Steve Webb, has confirmed the appointment of Karen Johnston as Deputy Pensions Ombudsman and Deputy Pension Protection Fund Ombudsman.